A couple of years ago, I found this awesome apparel showcasing the love for tacos. Yes, tacos. Who doesn't love tacos. I thought to myself just how could incorporate this into what I was doing... Hold that thought.
I have been a huge fan of the Netflix series Taco Chronicles. Since its debut in 2019, I have learned so much about Mexican culture and lifestyle and how it revolves around the beloved dish.
From asada to guisado and from Chicago to Dallas, you go on a culinary journey that provides education, exploration and appreciation for the taco.
The taco is Mexico's favorite street food, and as of late, it's the favorite street food in a large part of America.
In South Carolina, there is a significant Mexican population. And, they've brough their recipes and traditions to the natives here. It's common to see Mexican restaurants and grocery stores as you drive through the state.
I've been in many of both since beginning my culinary adventure. I have always had an appreciation and respect for Mexican culture. Their culinary impact in the world is everlasting.
With that being written, I began to think about showcasing my enjoyment and love for the taco. How could this be done as I visit other places?
Then came Gerald Flores.
Born out of Corpus Christi, Texas, Taco Gear was Gerald's answer to what he couldn't find.
At the time I started this, I couldn't really find any t-shirts or hats about tacos that I liked, so I decided to design my own. That's how Taco Gear was born and it's been a crazy and fun journey ever since.
But it has more than a journey, in my opinion. It's been a recognition of a culture and respect for what some people may consider simple food. It's an apprecation tour, for me.
And it's been noticed.
Gerald and I have been working together to gift the brand's hats to folks I visit. From time to time, I would give out a hat to a suprised chef or staff member to show my appreciation for their culinary efforts and to let them know there's a cool guy out there making this apparel to showcase the Mexican dish.
More, when I tag my photos, I am able to share the experience with even more people and help promote Gerald's brand. Why? Because tacos bring people together.
And so does cool swag.
Hey, it's more than that, right? It's about the love and passion that goes into making a taco. The family tradition. The generational recipe passed down again and again. The getting together of family to enjoy flavors that take you back to happier times.
It's about enjoying food you never had before. It's about making it your own. It's about smiles. Laughter.
It's amazing what one dish can do to a person. That's why I wear Taco Gear. To let people know there's always something you may have had, but haven't realized you had it in more ways than one.
Go out and have a taco today. Think about the people who put it together on the menu. Think about how it tastes. Let it sink into your memory. Let the flavors imprint on you. Make it moment in your life, not just a bite at the table.
Buy Taco Gear: https://tacogear.com/