This was a fun concept.
The culinary adventure of Georgetown County had a beacon by 2021. A restaurant located at 919 Front Street was going to be a hub for many events under the Georgetown Foodland umbrella. We'd already pulled off a Mystery Chef Dinner that sold out in minutes when it was first announced.
I wanted something that was on a continuous basis, featured chefs from all areas of South Carolina and allowed them an open microphone. Raw, unfiltered. From the heart.
I had a brainstorming session with the restaurant owner Jimmy Hildebrandt and chef Jesse Goguen, discussing how we'd have a sit-down discussion with a chef or restaurant owner, then midway through, Jesse would prepare a dish for us to have, from his menu.
It was a way to get others into the Front Street area, taste something from the Root menu and have a genuine, passionate conversation about the culinary industry. And, with the pandemic fresh in their heads, they had a way to expel frustration, other feelings about that and the industry as a whole.
So, we took our concept, rolled it out and got the attention of WPDE, a local news station who loved what I was doing.
You can click the photo above for the full story, including video from the live shots.
I have uploaded four of the five we did. They are below. Please check them out and keep your eyes peeled. You may see the reemergence of Sunday Brunch Sessions in the GVL area.